What form of payments do you accept?
We only accept Visa, and Mastercard.
Is your website secure?
Yes, all information is encrypted using industry-leading SSL technology.
The same technology used for online banking.
What is your return policy?
Check our return policy page.
What is the status of my return?
Returns are processed once a week by the warehouse so please allow 7 to 10 days after the return is received for it to be processed. Once we process your return, we will issue a refund and notify you via email.
I just placed an order. When will it be shipped?
When you place an order, we usually ship it within 1 to 2 business days. Customers are always impressed to find out how quickly their order arrives.
I changed my mind. How do I add/remove items or cancel my order?
We don't currently support adding to or removing items from an existing order. Please cancel your order instead and recreate it.
For about 30 mins after your order is placed, you may self-cancel your order by clicking the Your Orders link in Your Account. Click the Cancel Order button for the order you would like to cancel. You can then place another order at your convenience.
Note only orders in the processing state can be canceled.
Can I suggest a product?
We are always looking to add more great products to our product selection. Please contact customer service and our customer support team will help direct your suggestions to our merchandisers.
Our merchandisers review your requests monthly, but please keep in mind that not every request can be fulfilled.
Are there bulk discounts?
Sorry, bulk discounts are not available. If you wish to purchase a quantity more than what is currently in stock, you may contact our customer service.
When you contact us, please include the item and quantity you are looking for.
Where are we located?
We do not have a physical storefront, but an online store only. Our warehouse is in Brisbane. We work hard to give you the best experience.